Tabletop Miniature Painting & Customization


Free Pick-Up/Delivery in Chicagoland Area

Hi! My name is Kurt, and I'm a commision painter/hobbyist here in Chicago. I've been painting tabletop miniatures for ten years at this point. I'm taking painting commisions from big armies through single characters, up to freehand heavy jobs and conversions & hand sculpted detailing.

Check out what your models could look like:

Ok, but what does it cost?

Commisions are priced on a per-model or per-job basis, including basing, varnish, and all other secondary steps. The pricing estimates are here

I paint all models I'm given to a high tabletop/parade standard, but I do seperate models by complexity. There is also an additional cost for assembling kits from box or repairs to damaged second hand models.

  • Standard models are those without any big, flashy needs: Most Space Marines, Fantasy Regiments, ect.
  • Masterwork models include those with standout features that are more difficult: Custom Unit Iconography, Chaos-y metal trim, or just generally pushing the highlights and details.

    Large commisions of similar models (Fantasy regiments, Historical Armies, Imperial Guard) can expect some discounts, and full army commisions might have some discounts included. Those larger commissions can also include magnetization and/or movement trays for only the cost of materials.

    If you want a quote or have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me.